I am a Christian, a Disciple of Christ
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is only one living God. He is God in three Persons who exist together as one unit and from everlasting to everlasting. The three persons, the so-called Trinity, are God the Father, God the Son, who is Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that all three Persons in the Trinity were involved in the creation of the universe. The first man Adam and his wife Eve brought sin and death into the world, which caused the whole human race to be separated from God. Therefore Jesus Christ was sent to enter the world of human beings as a man, perfectly human and perfectly God simultaneously. He is the Son of God who lived a perfect, sinless life on earth and the exact image of the invisible God. Through his miraculous conception, his life and ministry (loving people, teaching about the Kingdom and doing miracles), his violent death and resurrection He witnessed to the truth that He is the Son of God and He is the only Way that man can be reconciled to the Father. He was seen in his resurrected form by many eye witnesses before he ascended into heaven where He now occupies the place at the right hand of God the Father. After Christ’s ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit came to empower all who would put their faith in Christ, for the work of the ministry, the calling to which Christ has called us, the spreading of the Good News, the Gospel of Christ.
I was once lost and wounded and considered myself a total failure and then cried out to God in desperation. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my unrighteousness (my waywardness) and my need for God’s righteousness (the right Way). I was convinced of the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ and was led to repentance and a surrender to the Lordship of Christ. I was made righteous (declared to be in right relationship to God) by faith in Jesus Christ. Because I have been forgiven by God, I also forgive those who sin against me. I have been born of water and of the Spirit. I was also baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit. I am being made holy by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. I enjoy the real experience of the love and fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit. I enjoy the love and fellowship of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I belong in a local church, which is my local spiritual family, and we are a part of the worldwide church of Christ. We rely on the Holy Spirit to help us to live together in love, peace and unity in this community of saints, working towards the same goal of confronting the kingdom of darkness on the basis of our delegated authority in Christ, taking the Good News to all peoples, to the ends of the earth, making them Christ’s Disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit.
After the time of Great Tribulation to purify the Bride of Christ and to judge the nations, Jesus will come again to gather to Himself his own, both those who remain alive until that time and those who will be raised from the dead at that time. He will reward His own according to their deeds and will establish His Kingdom on earth in its fullness, where we will reign with Him a thousand years. At the end of time He will sit as Judge over all the living and the dead. He will create the New Heavens and New Earth and we will be with Him in His glory forever.
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is only one living God. He is God in three Persons who exist together as one unit and from everlasting to everlasting. The three persons, the so-called Trinity, are God the Father, God the Son, who is Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that all three Persons in the Trinity were involved in the creation of the universe. The first man Adam and his wife Eve brought sin and death into the world, which caused the whole human race to be separated from God. Therefore Jesus Christ was sent to enter the world of human beings as a man, perfectly human and perfectly God simultaneously. He is the Son of God who lived a perfect, sinless life on earth and the exact image of the invisible God. Through his miraculous conception, his life and ministry (loving people, teaching about the Kingdom and doing miracles), his violent death and resurrection He witnessed to the truth that He is the Son of God and He is the only Way that man can be reconciled to the Father. He was seen in his resurrected form by many eye witnesses before he ascended into heaven where He now occupies the place at the right hand of God the Father. After Christ’s ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit came to empower all who would put their faith in Christ, for the work of the ministry, the calling to which Christ has called us, the spreading of the Good News, the Gospel of Christ.
I was once lost and wounded and considered myself a total failure and then cried out to God in desperation. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my unrighteousness (my waywardness) and my need for God’s righteousness (the right Way). I was convinced of the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ and was led to repentance and a surrender to the Lordship of Christ. I was made righteous (declared to be in right relationship to God) by faith in Jesus Christ. Because I have been forgiven by God, I also forgive those who sin against me. I have been born of water and of the Spirit. I was also baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit. I am being made holy by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. I enjoy the real experience of the love and fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit. I enjoy the love and fellowship of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I belong in a local church, which is my local spiritual family, and we are a part of the worldwide church of Christ. We rely on the Holy Spirit to help us to live together in love, peace and unity in this community of saints, working towards the same goal of confronting the kingdom of darkness on the basis of our delegated authority in Christ, taking the Good News to all peoples, to the ends of the earth, making them Christ’s Disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit.
After the time of Great Tribulation to purify the Bride of Christ and to judge the nations, Jesus will come again to gather to Himself his own, both those who remain alive until that time and those who will be raised from the dead at that time. He will reward His own according to their deeds and will establish His Kingdom on earth in its fullness, where we will reign with Him a thousand years. At the end of time He will sit as Judge over all the living and the dead. He will create the New Heavens and New Earth and we will be with Him in His glory forever.
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