Tuesday, 5 May 2020

The lockdown: The Truth will set you free!

For those who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself. Jesus Christ is my Lord and King. He is the risen Son of God the Father, and the Firstborn of the new creation. I have been born from His Spirit and his tangible presence is a daily reality in my life. 
I formerly studied Analytical Chemistry, and for nine years served as a Forensic Analyst in the South African Police Service. I also hold an honours degree in theology and I am currently writing a book about the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

In this blog post I state the scientific, political and spiritual reasons why I believe that the lockdown should be ended. I believe in freedom of speech. It is not only my constitutional right, but more than that, as a daughter of God I have to make my voice be heard. With this message I am inviting you to do the same, and let your actions follow what you believe.

Since the start of the lockdown I have studied many resources to understand what is going on in the world right now. I trust that the sources I refer to in these videos proclaim the truth, for the most part, and that I was directed and guided by the Holy Spirit to read or listen to those sources. The links to the resources are posted below.

My revelations, conclusions and opinions are my own and not necessarily that of my fellowship groups, family or friends. I am however well connected in the body of Christ in my region, but I am not naming my associations, in case trouble comes. 

I don’t actually like to talk about topics that can be a cause for conflict, but I love the Lord and I must obey Him. I also love the truth, since He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Some Christians argue that topics like these distract us from our main purpose, which is proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples. But my dear fellow believers, how much disciple making are you currently doing while you cannot meet with others? And if something is the truth, then Jesus is in it, since HE IS THE TRUTH. ANY deception that is unveiled is a proclamation of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ who came to earth to reveal the ultimate Truth, namely the true God. Truth alone can lift the veil of lies and deception behind which the enemy of our souls has held humanity in darkness and captivity for six millennia. Furthermore, the topic of the end times as we read in the Book of Revelation is a part of the Gospel, the Good News that, in the end, Jesus wins! But right now we are in a battle and there are things you and I need to do. The first thing is to proclaim the Truth!

Jesus said "... you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free..." (John 8:32)

Like many other fellow believers in Christ, I understand that God allowed this worldwide lockdown for a time to bring forth much good fruit through it. I believe that the virus AND the lockdown was meant by man for evil alone, but like God always does, He uses anything that the enemy brings against his children, to show forth his superiority over the matter. It is exactly what He did during the most evil of acts in human history, namely the murder of his own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Because Jesus showed, through death, that He is victorious over the worst enemy, namely death, we can know that, in Him, we can be victorious over absolutely anything. 

The positive fruits from the virus and the lockdown are amongst others: 

1.      It is causing cleaner air in otherwise very polluted cities.

2.      It has drawn many families closer together.

3.     It has caused many people to turn to God, to buy Bibles for the first time, and to get out of the rat race of life in order to become quiet before the Lord.

4.     It has caused the worldwide body of Christ to gather together and unite through the internet like never before, encouraging each other with many prophetic words that are confirmed over and over again, promises of the coming great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which will start in South Africa.

5.    Also, I believe that the way the church has been structured for centuries, is changing forever. Yes, over the past few years I have become a believer in house church. I believe that this lockdown has been used by God to detox many millions of believers from church as we know it, and to prepare us all for the cross-over into the Promised Land of fellowship like we see in the book of Acts chapter 2:42-47. Please read my blog article titled “Let’s bring back the love-feasts”.

6.     According to what I understand from a number of prophetic words, God is also using this lockdown in South Africa to reveal the corruption in government with regard to its dealings with China. God is about to free us from the grip of the dragon that has its head and torso in South Africa and its tail over the continent of Africa (listen to the prophetic messages of Charlie Shamp and Naomi Sheneberger.) Errol Naidoo, from the Family Policy Institute, says the following: “The World Health Organization (WHO) is heavily complicit in the Chinese Communist Party deception and has lost much of its credibility in its handling of this global pandemic. Alarmingly, SA’s pandemic response is being guided by this corrupt organization. The SA government’s reliance on corrupt and agenda driven UN agencies is cause for major concern”. Please read the article online In JOY! Magazine. It is titled: Contribute to SA’s Economic Revival by buying South African only! 

So, as far as God’s purposes with the lockdown prevail, I have been in full support of the lockdown.
But is God perhaps calling us to come out now? I believe so and you will see why. 

While the lockdown is continuing, I am especially not in support of those lockdown regulations that go against Biblical values. Furthermore, you will see that, from a scientific point of view, how the worldwide lockdowns adversely affects the health of many otherwise healthy people. The lockdown is actually achieving the exact opposite of what was proclaimed to be its intention. For this and all the reasons I am going to mention, I am in full support of ending the lockdown. 

If you have not realized it yet, fellow believer, the main purpose of the lockdowns is not to protect us from the virus. It is very obvious that many of the lockdown regulations make no logical sense whatsoever, because it has nothing to do with protection from a virus. Why is it unsafe for surfers to surf, while it is safe to wait in long queues to collect food parcels? Why is it safe to go to the shop to buy food, but it is not safe to visit friends in their own home? Why is it safe to ride with strangers in a taxi, but not safe for a few friends to gather in a home to worship the Lord? 

I felt the Lord drop this in my spirit: the purpose of all of the regulations is, amongst others, to break the strong free will of people, like that which is done in military settings, and it’s like breaking in a horse, in order to get him to fully submit to you. You have to condition the people to obey your every command. You have to make them believe that all of the commands and regulations are for their own good, and the good of their fellow countrymen and the world, and when they are used to obeying you in everything, you can coerce them into taking a vaccine. 

Christians will argue that we are commanded to submit and obey all the human authority over us. If you are Afrikaans speaking, please read my blog article titled: “Is alle persone in gesagsposisies deur God aangestel?” I have also translated it into English with the title: “Were all people in positions of authority appointed by God”? The bottom line is basically that Romans 13:1 has been miss-translated from the original Greek. This verse is NOT saying that it is God Himself who chooses and appoints all those who come to be in positions of authority. If you believe that, you would then have to believe that it was God who appointed Adolf Hitler who went on to kill 6 million Jews. I show in my blog article that a correct translation makes it clear that this verse does not support the notion that we should blindly submit to and obey all human authority. The verse DOES however mean that all man-appointed authority is automatically under God, because God will always be the highest authority, and good Christians should obey such authority, as we obey God, as long as the commands are meant for good (in other words, where it does not conflict with Biblical principles). 

We unfortunately now live in a time where good is called evil and evil is called good. The government allows abortions but does not allow surfing in the sea, as if Covid-19 floats in the air above the waves. How many abortions take place in our country and in the world on a normal day? According to the Worldometer it is for 2020 already 14.7 million worldwide. That is around 117 000 abortions per day, while all the reported Covid-19 deaths in total worldwide over the past few months are only around 250 000 (which is not more than 2000 per day). Isn’t that the most ridiculous conflict of interests? Who determines who can live and who can’t? Do they really care about saving lives? I think not. Protecting the world population is not the real motivation behind the lockdowns.  In South Africa the reported death toll due to Covid-19 after two months is approaching only 200, but the whole country is in lockdown. 

It is a Biblical principle that we do not have to submit to any commands if such commands are unconstitutional, let alone unbiblical and ungodly. Think of Daniel and his three friends. 

I will mention some more examples of regulations that go against the grain of what we believe: 

1.    I have a 93 year old grandmother in an old age home. She does not have Covid-19, but none of her healthy children is allowed near her. She could die any day from old age, and die very lonely and alone. How is that Biblical and humane? 

2.     You are not allowed to feed the poor without a permit. There is a regulation that prohibits South Africans to give food to foreigners. How is that Biblical and humane? Is this not xenophobia at its best? 

3.     Only people who perform essential services are allowed to work. But to many millions their work is essential because it feeds their families. Now they have to be satisfied with R350 per month? 

4.     You cannot buy underwear for children, because it is viewed as a non essential item. What is the logic behind that? You can buy cloth to make a face mask, but you cannot buy wool to knit a jersey. The list can go on and on. 

I’d like to quote Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of the assassinated US president JF Kennedy. You can follow Robert F. Kennedy on Instagram. He says this about the situation in the US: 

“Does anyone else feel that this is the first wave of compliance and obedience training for something more permanent? Are powerful state and corporate entities using the current crisis to remove basic rights and intensify pressures to promote vaccines and surveillance? Does anyone else feel the suffocating darkness of tyranny descending on our nation? And finally, does anyone share my dread that Bill Gates and Toni Fauci will somehow be running our Brave New World?” 

Does this sound like the situation in South Africa also, or what?

Deception and conspiracies have been with us for as long as humanity has been on earth. Satan deceived Adam and Eve and conspired with them against God. The religious leaders in Jesus’ time conspired to kill Him. After Jesus rose from the dead, the leading priests conspired with and bribed the soldiers to deceive everybody by telling them that Jesus’ disciples stole his body (Matt.28:11-15).

One of the greatest worldwide deceptions in modern history has been taking place these past few months. Brave doctors in the USA have been revealing the truth to us, names such as Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, and Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi. Yes there is Covid-19, the specific version of the coronavirus that was cultivated and manipulated in the Wuhan laboratory and funded by the previous US government under Obama. This is not a secret anymore. I saw and heard on a video that President Trump confirmed this in person, that Dr. Anthony Fauci gave the Wuhan lab 3.7 million US$ to develop the virus. Furthermore Doctor Judy Mikovitz, who has a PHD (a molecular biologist and medical researcher) confirms scientifically that this virus is not naturally occurring, but was manipulated by man. 

You will see why the reports on mainstream media channels cannot be believed. Please watch the documentary titled “Out of the Shadows”. It is enough to cure anyone of his mainstream media dependency. You will also learn when and where the term “conspiracy theory” originated. It is very eye opening. So, don’t you believe that this virus originated from a fish market in Wuhan. It is an absolute lie, and very conveniently resembles the narrative in the Hollywood movie Contagion, which they released to condition us to accept the lockdowns as a necessity.

The Lord opened my eyes in 2011 to the many lies of mainstream media, but that is a story for another day. Perhaps the virus is as contagious as they say. However, the reported numbers of infections and the numbers of deaths because of Covid-19 is much, much lower than predicted. Furthermore, the reported numbers of positive cases are being inflated and we will never know exactly how many people actually died purely because of this virus infection. I have seen the news reports where US doctors reveal that they were instructed by their hospital administration to, whenever a person dies in hospital, state Covid-19 as one of the causes of death, even though there may be no certainty that the person was indeed infected with the virus. The hospitals in turn were instructed by the World Health Organisation. Hospitals in the US are paid 13000 US$ per Covid-19 patient treated, and three times as much, i.e. 39 000 US$ if the patient goes on a ventilator. This financial gain most certainly motivates hospitals to falsely report infections and deaths due to Covid-19. The false reporting of Covid-19 as cause of death on many death certificates are meant to increase the numbers in order to justify the next step which will be encouraged and even coerced by the World Health Organisation, if we do not intervene. The reason for this Covid-19 deception is well known and very well explained by doctors Shiva, Buttar, Mikovitz and many others that are revealing the truth openly. The Gates Foundation, supported by the WHO, wants the world vaccinated. It is not a secret anymore, unless you only listen to mainstream media news reports.

We hear from Dr. Cameron that ventilators actually worsen the condition of patients, that they are treating a sickness they have never seen before, and that what he sees in the people’s lungs is not a viral infection, but rather something like altitude sickness. The people are suffocating because their lungs are unable to absorb oxygen. It seems therefore that some patients are treated as Covid-19 patients, while something else may be going on. Dr. Buttar explains how he believes it is caused by 4+1G. Furthermore, I saw the videos where the nurses tell of the neglect and even murdering of patients in the hospitals. Can humanity be so cruel, you ask? Apparently, YES! Because the main aim of the WHO driven agenda is not to save lives. The plan is depopulation by any means. To understand the depopulation agenda, I have posted a link to a video which you can watch. And the lockdown itself is destroying more lives than Covid-19 has been doing. 

Now, I don’t have knowledge of financial motivation for South African government, but you can use your imagination, since South Africa’s response to the virus is also being driven by the WHO, in close association with the Gates Foundation. The agenda is the push for vaccines. The ultimate endgame is the implanting of RFID chips, which means you will be implanted by an artificial intelligence device, with which they hope to gain 24/7 surveillance and control of every human being on the earth. I quote Robert Kennedy again: “Bill Gates wants to chip us and not only for vaccines – for surveillance and trans-humanism using 4+1G” This is why the government need 4+1G towers to go up everywhere, for without these fast internet connections they will not be able to accomplish their goal. It may not be news to you that Microsoft already owns a patent for this microchip, and the Gates Foundation has held a patent for the coronavirus since November 2019, a month before the outbreak of Covid-19. Interesting, isn’t it? You can watch the video’s and check it out yourself. 

The other reason why we should not believe the reported number of infections and deaths is that the PCR test that is being used to test for Covid-19, was not at all designed for the identification of a virus. The man who invented the test, Kary Mullis, said this himself. Unfortunately he passed away last year.  I will post the link to an article that was written by the journalist who knew him personally. Quoting from the article “Kary did not invent a test. He invented a very powerful manufacturing technique that is being abused. What are the best applications for PCR? Not medical diagnostics* [in other words, its purpose is not to identify viruses]. He knew that and he always said that.” Please read the article, and do your own research to check the facts. 

The test was created for research purposes and not for identifying viruses, because it would require a gold standard and the only gold standard is purification of the virus and according to scientists interviewed for this article, Covid-19 has not yet been purified.  The conclusion is that when people with light flu symptoms are tested positive for Covid-19, it could very well be another strand of the flu, since the PCR test is unable to accurately identify which strand of the flu it is. 

Another quote from the article is this: “There was a famous … paper that estimated that if you’re testing asymptomatic people, up to 80% of positives could be false positives.” This means that if you have no symptoms, but test positive, it is not a sure sign that you are indeed infected, and you most probably are not. Imagine the unnecessary anxiety that people have when they are told they were tested positive, but are not! 

I saw an interview by a journalist in Germany, with a Swedish doctor who revealed that the coronavirus has been around for many years, each year during the flu season, and that it was previously tested for by using another kind of test. But all of a sudden, when Covid-19 appeared, they were instructed by the WHO to use the PCR as testing method. I believe this test is prescribed specifically because it produces false positives and so would be beneficial to their agenda. 

I saw a video that reports that in Taiwan only 429 people were tested positive and only 6 people died of the virus, even though they are so close to China. The reporting of positive cases stopped. And Taiwan did not go into lockdown! The schools remained open and it has been business as usual. They do wear masks and practice social distancing, but I lived in Taiwan for more than a year, and I know how most of them live. I don’t believe the low numbers are because of social distancing, because on that densely populated little island, and without lockdown, there is simply not enough space for much social distancing. My feeling is that because the WHO does not recognise Taiwan as a country, its government does not allow itself to be intimidated, blackmailed or bribed into submission to the regulations of the WHO. They have therefore no reason to falsify death certificates and to inflate the numbers. The first woman president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen says this on the video: Taiwan is a free, democratic, open and amazing place! God bless you Tsai Ing-wen!

The incorrect testing and inaccurate reporting of positive cases in other countries keeps on promoting panic and fear, and the reporting of false positives will continue endlessly so that it may seem as if there is no end to the virus. Fear and panic causes the immune system to weaken, and does much more damage to humans than the virus itself. A weakened immune system makes people more susceptible to all kinds of other illnesses, let alone the illness of depression caused by long periods of self-isolation. 

Please watch the documentary video (Plandemic) where Doctor Judy Mikovitz explains, as doctors Erickson and Massihi, that wearing masks and isolating yourself while you are healthy actually weakens your immune system. Why, because we need to be exposed to bacteria and viruses for our immune systems to develop and stay strong. They call it herd immunity. We have to stay in close contact with other people in order for our immune systems to stay up to date with what’s going around. Isolation actually achieves the opposite of its intended goal. Dr. Mikovitz says that “Wearing a mask literally activates your own virus. You’re getting sick from your own reactivated coronavirus expressions…”

The interviewer said to Dr. Mikovitz: “If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars on the vaccines”. Her answer was this, I quote “And they will kill millions as they already have with their vaccines. There is no vaccine currently on the schedule for any RNA virus that works…” end quote. Covid-19 is an RNA virus… There exist therapies that is very effective against Covid-19. We heard of it. It is the same medication that is used to treat malaria, but, again quoting Dr. Mikovitz “the game is to prevent the therapies until everyone is infected and push the vaccines knowing that the flu vaccines increase the odds by 36% of getting Covid-19”. And then all beach lovers will love Dr. Mikovitz for saying this: “why would you close the beach? You’ve got sequences in the soil and in the sand. You’ve got healing microbes in the ocean and in the salt water. That’s insanity.”

Doctor Mikovitz wrote a book titled “Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science.” The foreword was written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

There is also the video footage of independent journalists who went to some hospitals in the US and Germany, only to find that the so-called crisis at hospitals that is reported in the media, is not the reality at those hospitals. Instead, many people seem to stay away from the hospitals in fear of Covid-19, because of all the media reports. Those journalists even report that some of the footage we see on TV has been staged. The video by the German journalist is still available. 

What am I getting at? I believe that the fear that people all over the world has for this virus, is not warranted, and that the lockdown is doing much more harm to humanity than the virus can ever do. For example, like doctors Erickson and Massihi, rightly pointed out, many more children are being molested during this time than during any other time. Many more wives and children are being physically and verbally abused. The suicide rates have gone up. Many people have to die alone, their family members not being allowed at their bedside. Many more people suffer from depression. Many people with other serious illnesses don’t go to hospital for fear of catching the virus that would probably and ironically not be the cause of death, should they die. Many people go hungry. Many people lost their jobs. Many lost their small businesses. Many learners in their last year of school are missing out on their last opportunity to perform in sports and other cultural and extracurricular activities, a time of their lives that they will never get back. The sportsmen and women who planned and trained for four years to be at their peak performance for this year’s Olympic Games have to plan all over again, and some will probably not be able to compete next year, for various reasons. We can go on and on. 

A good friend of mine lost her brother in law because of the lockdown. I cannot reveal the details, but we all agreed that if it were not for the lockdown, he would probably be alive right now. Loneliness and depression are some of the factors involved in his death. Only a person who has really been lonely for long periods of time, can understand the massive negative impact of that. Many, many people experience extreme loneliness at this time. There are many who don’t live with their families and are prohibited from visiting them. Loneliness and depression are one of the main reasons why people commit suicide, and it also causes weakened immune systems. People need to work to have a sense of purpose. If they cannot do their work, they lose motivation for living, and it is a great cause of depression.

Quoting again from Robert F. Kennedy’s Instagram page: “A highly respected 1982 academic research book “Corporate Flight: The Causes and Consequences of Economic Dislocation” estimates that every additional 1% rise in unemployment causes 37 000 excess deaths (including 20 000 heart attacks, 920 suicides, 650 homicides), 4000 mental hospital admissions and 3300 state prison admissions. On 24 March 2020 the FED predicted a 30% rise in unemployment from the Covid lockdown. That equals 1.1 million additional deaths in the US, almost 5x the government’s worst predictions for CV-19 deaths.” I don’t know what the numbers will be in South Africa, but if you are a mathematician, please calculate that for us.

Quoting further from Kennedy (He mentions his resources, but I will just quote him): “A growing body of research finds social isolation is lethal…. It is as strong a factor in mortality risk as smoking and higher than having high blood pressure. Loneliness and social isolation have the same cardiovascular effects as smoking 15 cigarettes per day and also increase the risk of all-cause morbidity. Loneliness increases the risk of developing dementia by 50% and stroke by 32% while dramatically increasing cancer risks… Researchers found that isolation increases susceptibility to the common cold and respiratory infection. More diverse social networks were associated with greater resistance to upper respiratory illness. A 2015 study found that men experience an 85% increased risk of mortality following losing their jobs. Moreover, a 2020 Lancet study on the ‘Psychobiological effects of quarantine and how to reduce it’ found that most of the adverse effects (like suicide, anger and illness) come from the restriction of liberty and separation from loved ones”.

Another friend of mine voiced her concerns over ending the lockdown. Her fear, like I believe many others have, is for her elderly parents who have weak health and therefore in much more danger of catching the virus and not having the strength to fight it off. I understand such concerns. To watch a person suffer in pain, and then lose such a person to death is one of the most traumatic things that can happen to a human being. Last November I had to watch my other grandmother go through a horrible and very painful death. I saw how the lack of oxygen caused the colour in her fingers to disappear and never return. I literally prayed for hours that she would be relieved of her pain, while she cried out in agony. I was the only one at her bedside when she passed on. I know my grandmother is with Jesus in heaven now, but that experience affected me to such extend that I suffered a depression for a while such as I had not had in about 15 years. Were it not for the fact that I could freely meet with fellow believers who could pray for me at that time, who knows where that could’ve ended. 

I few years ago I also lost a very good friend when he was murdered during a hijacking. I understand loss and pain. I have a lot of compassion for people in pain. I understand that the lockdown still makes sense to some, maybe for many people who are still in fear of Covid-19. But when we look at the real stats, when we look at the damage to the economy, when we look at all the secondary side effects of the lockdown, when we look at the big picture, the lockdown makes no sense at all. 

But, you may ask, like my friend, what about the small picture – what about the threat of the virus to my elderly parents? 

My answer to that is, to rest assured, because whatever they may catch, I don’t believe it will be Covid-19. I want to point you to the prophecies that have proclaimed the end of the Covid-19. Many have read or listened to Will Ford tell of his 7 year old son who dreamt the same dream for four nights in a row, that 30 April 2020 would mark the end of Covid-19. I choose to believe that the Lord would not have given such a dream to a young boy if it was not going to come to pass. There is also the prophetic word by Katie Souza, (perhaps not coincidentally published on 30 April) that the “famine”, the pandemic is over, and that we can come out of isolation. Both Will Ford and Katie Souza are well known people in international Christian circles and therefore their messages carry credibility. 

I therefore personally believe that Covid-19 is no more, and any so called positive test results from here on, are false positives. Any reported deaths from Covid-19, will be falsely reported causes of death. But that’s just me, what can I say, I am a believer. I believe in the word of the Lord above the untrustworthy PCR results and consequently the false reports in the news. 

But what if you get flu symptoms, or any other virus infection? Many people die of the flu every year.
A week after the start of the lockdown in South Africa, I wrote a blog article titled: When coronavirus is here, NO FEAR, because the KING IS HERE! I quoted from the book written by South African Doctor Michelle Strydom: Healing through sanctification of the heart. Perhaps not so co-incidentally, I recently watched a TV program where both Katie Souza from the US and Doctor Michelle were interviewed together in a South African TV program. They are sisters in Christ and speak from the same Spirit.  In my blog article I explained what a virus is and that, as a Spirit filled believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have authority over that virus. You can speak to any virus and command it to leave your body. From the time that I started to really believe this, years ago, I have not had even the flu. Other things have happened to me, such as a broken patella, but no virus has been able to make me sick in years. A virus is not the creation of God, but a by-product of the fall of mankind, and I believe, a creation of satan. What was therefore created in the Wuhan laboratory is absolutely evil. 

As a Spirit filled believer in Christ, I honestly have no fear whatsoever of any virus. It is also a spiritual truth that whatever you fear, you attract to yourself. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to arm yourself with the truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth. When you are born again, you are a new creation and in union with the Son of God. As a new creation, no virus has any legal right to attack your body, unless you fear it and allow it. 
On the morning of 6th of May 2020, I woke up with a message from a friend, who had not yet read this article or knew anything of the contents I intended to share. This was the word of the Lord to me, in part:  “Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days. Lockdown has been 40 days. Then the angels came to help Him. Then his ministry started. 40 Days in lockdown is finished.” 5 May was day 40 of the lockdown. Believer in Christ, we were instructed by Scripture not to give up meeting together, but to encourage one another, especially now that the day of our Lord’s return is drawing near (Hebrews 10:25). We are instructed to meet together and have fellowship and worship together. The law of God, the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is a superior law than the law of the land, if such law is unbiblical and even unconstitutional, like it is right now. According to the Bill of Rights of the Constitution Section 31 we cannot be denied the right to “practice our religion”. For Christians this means that we cannot be denied our God given instruction to fellowship and worship with other believers. 
Are you going to obey the government, when its commands are unconstitutional and unbiblical, and when it is clear that the worldwide regulations prescribed by the WHO are motivated by an evil agenda? Or are you going to obey God? Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are getting a taste of what it means to be persecuted for our faith. I know people of other faiths are also not allowed to meet, but WE need to do what WE need to do, which is to obey the God that we know. I heard one prophet say that God is now ridding his church of Comfort, Convenience, Cowardice and Compromise. We desperately need another big C to replace these four in the body of Christ – COURAGE. If only 10% of our nation stand together, there will be 6 million of us who stand up against unconstitutional commands and regulations. They cannot put all of us in prison, for the prisons are full past their capacity already, and even if they arrest some, the legal system will not be able to handle all of the cases. We will then have to stand together to help those who were brave enough to fight on the frontlines. This may even mean that we make contributions to cover their legal costs. Who will be brave enough? Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

The advice I am leaving you with is as follows:

1.      Speak up. Speak the truth. Shout it from the rooftops.  Let your voice be heard.

2.     If you have Jesus Christ as your Lord, you need not fear anything. Not the virus. Not the economic crisis. Not where you will live, not what you will wear, not what you will eat, not what you will feed your children. The Lord knows what you need and He will provide for you one way or another, even if it is a strategy which you need to follow in order to provide for your family (Matt 6:33). I have been living by faith for more than three years now, meaning that I don’t have a regular income, I don’t have a husband that provides for me, and I can testify that the Lord always provides. And now is the time that we need to look to Scripture for guidance. The words of Acts 2:44-45 will now really challenge the level of our love for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Furthermore, you need to get your marching orders from your Lord. If He tells you to stay at home, and obey the president, and wear your mask, then that is what you do. But if He tells you to join a #endthelockdownmzansi Facebook group, you do that. If He tells you to go out and feed the poor, even the foreigners, you do that. If He tells you to go and visit your grandmother, you find a way to do it. If He tells you to make a Youtube video, or to host a Zoom meeting, you do that. Whatever you hear in your times of intimacy with Him, that is what you do. Whatever you can do with a clear conscience, and the peace of the Holy Spirit in your heart, if it adds value to someone’s life, do that, say that, and declare that.

3.    If you do not have Christ as your Lord, someone else is lording it over you. Do you trust that being? You should know that God loves you, but if you have not responded to His love and not turned away from a carnal way of life, you do not have His protection. His covenant promises (like the covenant of marriage) apply to those who have come into personal relationship with Him, through faith in the risen Jesus Christ. You cannot have eternal life if you do not believe in the eternal Christ. By now you should understand that there are powers in this world that seek to have total control over your life, and if you do not have the Spirit of Christ, you do not have spiritual discernment and you are a soft target. It is difficult for you to notice the work of satan, because he always comes in disguise, in sheep’s clothing. Union with the Victor, the Lord Jesus Christ, through his Spirit is the only way for you to enjoy his protection. Surrender your life to the Lordship of Christ, and ask Him to baptize you in His Holy Spirit and you will be saved. If not, you are automatically under the lordship of his enemy, the devil, whether you have chosen it or not. Jesus said that:
"... when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth)" (John 16:13)

4.    Do not connect to the next generation (4+1G) cell phone connection that is coming. That will be the beginning of your union with the beast of Revelation 13:11-18. It will be like your first kiss. After you do this it will be very difficult to become free from the matrix, and your every move will be tracked for as long as you live. I will probably discuss this further in a later video. And if you are a Vodacom, MTN or Rain customer, why don’t you consider taking your business elsewhere, for they are the ones installing the 4+1G towers and rolling out the next generation cell phone radiation.  Migrate to Cell C, and hopefully Cell C will get the message to not try and do the same. Or can someone please launch a new cell phone network that will never implement the 4+1G? And if the Lord tells you to take on ICASA in a court of law for violating basic human rights in allowing the radiation that causes damage to all living beings, then do that. Please do that! (If you are not sure yet that cell phone radiation, especially 4+1G is going to be very destructive to the environment and to humans, then watch the video for which I posted the link.)

5.   Whenever a vaccine comes to your country for Covid-19, STAY AWAY! Please watch the video Plandemic to understand why a Covid-19 vaccine will not work! And whatever else they are going to try, will at the very least, cause vaccine injuries, and even deaths. Today, on 5 May 2020, this article was published in BUSINESSTECH: South Africa begins Covid-19 BCG vaccine trial. It has begun.

6.   Read the articles by Errol Naidoo and watch the video by Scott Cundill, and buy South African products only. Let’s boycott all products coming from China. Only buy what you really need, and support South African services in order to cushion the fast approaching economic melt-down. This is Scott’s advice, amongst others.

7.   If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you still don’t believe there is a worldwide conspiracy going on to get the world vaccinated, as the next step in population control, then you need to fall on your knees and ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truth. If you will not do that, and if you will not read the articles and watch the video’s I have recommended, please just keep quiet and do not be a hindrance to the truth reaching every human being on earth. (And please, please, please do not call a fellow brother and sister in Christ a conspiracy theorist. I consider it the same as swearing at a fellow Christian AND you are helping the enemy to keep on deceiving people. It is time for you to wake up and see the conspiracy TRUTH).

8.    We are now in the period of 50 days from Passover to Pentecost. Many prophets believe that Pentecost this year, on 1 June and beyond, will be like the first Pentecost after Jesus’ ascension to heaven. Make time to pray and seek the face of the Lord Jesus Christ, like the 120 did in the upper room after His ascension, and have an expectation for the greatest outpour of His Spirit and power that the world has ever seen! 

"Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God" (Eph.6:14)

Lastly, allow me to encourage you with the words of William Wallace in the movie Braveheart. Wallace was not a nobleman, which means not in official government. The nobles of Scotland were subservient to their masters, the English, who bribed them with titles and land and castles in exchange for keeping the Scottish people in submission to England. Wallace was just one of the people, but he was a trained and educated soldier and when Scotland needed a saviour, here came Wallace. He said to the nobles and the future king of Scotland, Robert de Bruce, “You think that the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exist to provide those people with freedom. And I’m going to make sure that they have it.” 

De Bruce replied… “…but from top to bottom this country has got no sense of itself. Its nobles share allegiance with England. If you make enemies on both sides of the boat, you’ll end up dead.”
Wallace replied “We all end up dead. It’s just a question of how and why. Now tell me, what does that mean - to be noble. Your title gives you the claim to the throne of our country. But men don’t follow titles. They follow courage… Now when people know you, noble and common, they respect you, and if you would just lead them to freedom, they’d follow you, and so would I.” 

The rest is history. In the end, De Bruce followed Wallace’s advice and Scotland won their freedom. And we will have our freedom too. 

I appeal to the government of South Africa to no longer allow our country to be in the captivity of the WHO and UN, but to lead us to freedom. However, whether you listen to the voices of the people or not, Jesus will win this battle. Amandla awethu, in the Name of Jesus, and in the power of His Holy Spirit.

South Africa,
May the Lord bless you and protect you;
May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you;
May the Lord look with favour on you and give you peace.

1.      Let’s bring back the love-feasts:

2.      Naomi Sheneberger: Word for South Africa 30 April 2020

3.      Prophecy for South Africa – Prophet Charlie Shamp

4.      When coronavirus is near, don’t fear, because the King is Here!

5.      Errol Naidoo: Buying South African only.

6.      Is alle persone in gesagsposisies deur God aangestel?

7.      Worldometer: https://www.worldometers.info/

8.      In the Rapport newspaper of Sunday 3 May it was written that only people with South African ID’s are allowed to receive food, and you have to have a permit to give out food. This is not only total human rights violation, but also ungodly and inhumane.

9.      Exclusive: Top Doctor Exposes Everything The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV | Dr. Shiva. (Also watch all you have time for from Dr. Shiva. He is the inventor of e-mail and has a number of degrees in science. He is also on Facebook and Instagram)

10.  Exclusive: Dr. Shiva Exposes Fauci, Birx, Gates, And The W.H.O. Covid-19 Endgame

11.  The Microsoft patent for the RFID chip:

12.  For all Dr. Rashid Buttar’s video’s on Covid-19, please go to his website, register and you will find all his video’s. They are regularly removed by the owners of Youtube, therefore it is better to view them on his website. I will post one link here, but I cannot guarantee that it will take you to the correct video on Youtube. His website name is https://www.advancedmedicine.com/ But if you simply type his name in Youtube you will find the latest of his posts.

13.  Dr. Rashid posted a video on 5 May. In this video he shows that the Gates Foundation patented a vaccine for the coronavirus, before the pandemic even broke out. The video was since removed from Youtube. Please contact me and I will send you a copy of the video.

14.  President Trump confirms the 3.7 million $ payment to the Wuhan lab: In this video you will see Trump confirm this, from 7:45 minutes. Dr. Rashid is one of the interviewees in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8qJMbNwheA&t=20s

15.  Doctors in Black – PlanDemic, global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, health & freedom. This video is constantly being removed from Youtube everytime it is loaded. Contact me and I will send it to you.

16.  Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell: NYC-ICU DR unknowingly describes the effects of 60GHz on patients:

17.  Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi: Brave doctors demand end to Covid-19 lockdown and social distancing:
18.  Death certificate fraud:

19.  The doctor reporting that they are paid for Covid-19 patients:

20.  NYC Nurse speaks out about forced deaths in her hospital:

21. Bill Gates definitely wants to inhibit the population growth in Africa under the guise of helping Africa and the poor:

22.  Busted! Bill Gates slips, reveals terrifying Coronavirus endgame, Ted Talk covers it up

23.  Out of the Shadows Documentary (CIA, mainstream media, Hollywood and paedophilia ):

24.  The article about the PCR test which is being used to test for Covid-19:

25.  The video’s to show empty ER sections of hospitals, and other video’s:

26.  Will Ford sharing his son’s dream about Covid-19 ending (watch from 1:01:43)

27.  Katie Souza’s word on 30 April 2020:

28.  The video by Scott Cundill about the South African economy

29.  5G Towers effect bees, birds, trees & people – Fact or Fiction

30.  Understanding the depopulation agenda: