Tuesday, 7 December 2021

The End-Time Project: Building an Ark


The End-time Project


This writing is subject to change as the Holy Spirit reveals more to me, or corrects me in any area in which I have previously had limited vision and understanding.

The purpose of this writing is to communicate the vision that I believe the Lord is giving the end-time body of Jesus Christ. In February of 2011 I went to Taiwan to teach English for a few months. During that time I was isolated from friends and family. At the end of April the Lord started speaking to me about this matter and consequently I continued to spend much time listening to His still small voice. I believe He has given and is giving the body of Christ instructions for preparing this generation for the end of end-times. This writing should therefore be viewed as a prophetic instruction to the whole body of Christ. (I shared this vision with my then pastors in 2011, who agreed at that time that this was a word from the Lord).

 During the time of the spread of COVID-19 and the 21-day lockdown declared by the president of SA, I was reminded of this prophetic instruction, and felt that I should dust it off and resubmit it to my current church elders for whatever the Lord wants to speak to them through this.  (The feedback I received from my local apostolic leader, Surprise Sithole, was that he could not stop reading this document once he started, and that he believes I have very good insight into world events. I give credit only to The Holy Spirit for this anointing and gifting and I know that with it comes a responsibility to inform the body of Christ prophetically.)

Furthermore, I hope to make contact with any other person who have received prophetic visions along the same lines, or who could contribute to The Project in one way or the other. If you, reading here, should meet (or have met) such people, I would greatly appreciate if you could connect me with them.  

 What I have written below, I wrote in 2011 and only translated to English now, in April 2020.


Back to 2011

[All insertions in these brackets were added in April 2020]

It all started when I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit in a hotel room in Taiwan on the weekend of the British royal wedding on 30 April 2011. I sensed that He was saying to me that I had been chosen, although it was not clear to me what He meant by that. However, measured by the intensity of the encounter, I realised that it was something big, and it would involve great responsibility, and it would be a task that wasn’t going to be easy.

Earlier on the evening of 30 April 2011 I read from Rom. 11: 5-6, in The Message:  It’s the same today. There’s a fiercely loyal minority still—not many, perhaps, but probably more than you think.  They’re holding on, not because of what they think they’re going to get out of it, but because they’re convinced of God’s grace and purpose in choosing them. If they were only thinking of their own immediate self-interest, they would have left long ago.  

Monday morning the 2nd of May 2011 I read a news report about the “death of Bin Laden”. Halfway through the report, my spiritual eyes were opened and I knew supernaturally that the report was a lie, a deception. This was before I had done any research whatsoever about conspiracy theories. Before this day I had absolutely no personal conviction of my own about so-called theories, and so I was not biased when I read the report of the killing of Bin Laden. I did however have a little knowledge of the relationship between the Bin Laden and Bush families, through watching a TV program in December of 2010. 

Purely on the basis of what I felt in my spirit, I started with research on the internet and found that in 2001 and 2002 there were reports of Bin Laden’s death as a result of being a diabetes sufferer. It was no secret that he needed dialyses treatment a few times a week. The medical treatment and equipment that was needed and on which he was dependent, would’ve made it impossible for him to flee, hide and survive in the desert for almost ten years from September 2001 (the Twin Tower collapse) until 1 May 2011 when he was reportedly killed by the Navy Seals. The video and sound “recordings” of Bin Laden that were supposedly made during those 10 years, and which was released to the public, was faked. I could not find a single voice or video recording on the internet that convinced me that Bin Laden lived longer than 2001. The reports of his death in 2001/2002 were not channeled through the mainstream news channels, because the US government at that time needed Bin Laden to “live” in order for them to justify their “war on terror” in the Middle East.

During the first week after the falsely reported killing of Bin Laden I had a few conversations (over the internet) with people about this and other political events in the past, and realized how misled the world is, and that this kind of deception on a world-wide scale had been (and is still) going on for decades and probably even centuries.

During the month that followed, I read through the book of Revelation again, while also continuing research on the internet on everything that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention. For the first time I became convinced that the body of Christ is not going to be “raptured” to heaven before the time of Great Tribulation (GT) and the coming of Christ.

It is a well-known fact among Christians that, according to the book of Revelation, every one that refuses the mark of the beast that will be enforced on the world, will no longer be able to participate in the economic system of this world as we know it. If we are instructed by God not to accept the mark of the beast, and if we are not going to be raptured before the mark is going to be enforced, then logically, there will have to be an alternative way of acquiring food and other essentials for survival during that time, otherwise all who refuse the mark of the beast will die of hunger. These days it is nearly impossible to live without buying anything, except for those who have always lived in the jungle. Who knows if authorities will allow us to grow our own food in the backyard, and maybe keep a goat or a cow for milk? 

Although it is not specifically mentioned in Scripture, I believe that the Lord is saying, and it is obvious that Christians, who have already resolved to not taking the mark of the beast, will have to receive the plan from the Lord to prepare for those days. If we who live now and can hear and recognise the voice of the Lord, will not start preparing the body of Christ for that time, we will be selfish, disobedient and irresponsible. I believe many of us will live to see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, but many of us will die before that time. If we do this, we will do it for our children and grand children. Not only for them, but for every other person that will surrender their lives to the Lordship of Christ before and during that time of Great Tribulation. 

During May 2011, every day, bit by bit, the Lord started to reveal to me the plan. I call the plan “The Project”.

I realised that the whole body of Christ will need to be informed about the current political agenda of the “Establishment”, the people and organisations behind the plans to form the one world government and the coming of the mark of the beast. Many people are already informed, but I believe most are not. There are already groups of people, especially in the USA who have been actively informing the world about so called “conspiracy theories”, which are actually “conspiracy truths”. They are being mocked and even persecuted by the mainstream media and others. The general public who trust the mainstream media channels (which are owned by “The Establishment”), share in the mockery and slander of those who are trying to warn the world.

In John 9:4, New Living Translation: We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work. These words came to me and I realised that it is specifically applicable to this instruction from the Lord. When “night” comes, the Great Tribulation, it will be too late to make plans for survival.

As I was wondering how to go about in informing the world about all of this, in order for Christians to catch the vision and start working together in order to get prepared, I felt it pressed on my heart to write a book. [Now in 2020, I received a word from my current pastor that I should start a YouTube channel and release short videos.]

The first purpose of the book [or the YouTube channel] will be to blow the shofar in the ears of the body of Christ, causing them to become aware of what is going on in the world, behind the curtains of the mainstream media.  Secondly, I will communicate what I believe to be instructions for the end time body of Christ. We need to be instructed not only in order for physical survival during that time, but we will have to know how to suffer well. We will be the lights that point people to Christ during that time and we will therefore have to understand the purpose for which the Lord will allow us to go through such terrible times. Just like Jesus laid down his life for our sake, we will lay down our lives for the sake of others who don’t know Him yet.  

The world has been misled and deceived about many things. All of us, every single person, are deceived (or at least misinformed) to a lesser or greater measure. People so easily believe what they hear, especially when the source seems reputable, but it is time we all learn to do our own homework well and not be afraid to discover the truth about a matter, however horrible or shocking it may be. We all need some veils to be removed from our eyes, and we all need to hear some truths that will set us free from our deceptions. It can only happen when we humble ourselves and realise that we are mere human beings who cannot be right about everything, even if we feel that whatever we think we are hearing from the Lord, is actually from the Lord. Here is a truth that I have learnt from my own life: not everything that we think the Lord is saying to us is actually Him. Much of our thinking is guided by what we experience in our natural surroundings and what we hear with our physical ears. Everything we hear and experience must be measured by what we read in Scripture, ALL of Scripture, and not only selected passages that suit our already existing and biased belief system. When we think soberly about how easy it is to be deceived by even our own thinking, the ground will be prepared for our eyes to be opened to the great worldwide deceptions and lies of our time.

The mark of the beast

I watched a documentary movie called “America: Freedom to Fascism” by Aaron Russo. The first family in America received the microchip voluntarily already in 2004. This microchip will be needed in future for all transactions and most informed Christians believe that this will be the mark of the beast. Rev.13:16: “He [the beast] also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name”. The chip will also contain all personal information about the person, such as location, identification etc. It allows for total control by the governing authorities, with no place to hide. Your bank account will also be completely controlled by this system. The current financial systems in the world will be united and become completely controlled by the antichrist regime.

[And now in 2020, it is becoming common knowledge that the governing authorities of the world are planning to enforce COVID-19 vaccinations that will ultimately become the marking system of the NOW, to mark its loyal subjects. It has become clear that their intention is to change the DNA of human beings, causing us to become less than human, and become units in a cryptocurrency monetary system, which will work on the same principals as Bitcoin, but will have nothing to do with Bitcoin. I believe that the mark of the beast will prevent you from entering into eternity with Jesus, because it will rob you of your humanity.]

But Christians will be prohibited by God to receive this mark of the beast. We read in Rev.14: 9-10: “A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand,  10 he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning Sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.’”

But we will certainly be persecuted by the antichrist regime for refusing to take the mark of the beast and worshiping its image. We read in Daniel 7:23 (NKJV): “The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces.  The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom.  And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, and shall subdue three kings.  He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law.  Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.” Scholars interpret this period of time to be three and a half years. [In 2020 I don’t believe this 3,5-year period is upon us yet.] Furthermore, according to Rev.13:15: “15 He [the beast from the earth] was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast [the beast from the sea], so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”

Our purpose for remaining alive throughout that time of great suffering will be to witness to, to care for and to lead those whom the Lord will be bringing to Himself. Rev.14:14-16: 14 I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one “like a son of man” with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.  15 Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”  16 So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.

A place of safety and provision

Since Christians will not be allowed to get the mark of the beast, and therefore not be able to buy or sell without it, we will have to have a system that functions completely independently from the antichrist NWO system. Also, since we will be persecuted for not accepting the mark of the beast and not worshipping him, we will need places of relative safety to flee to when the going gets tough. With more than a couple of billion Christians on the earth today, many will be able to escape the wrath of the antichrist regime and able to survive, while shining the light of Christ and drawing many more to salvation in His Name.

Think about the story of Joseph. God saw that a famine was coming upon the whole world, and prepared Egypt as the bread basket of the world during those seven years of famine. If God did not prepare Joseph and the plan for survival, all the world, including Jacob and his family, would’ve starved to death. Preceding the years of famine, there was a seven year period of storing food. God had prepared Joseph to oversee the collection, storage and distribution of provisions. I believe that the Lord has been and is now raising up people with a Joseph anointing and giving them similar instructions, and that He will reveal to us at what point we will have to start stocking up on food and other necessities. Everything will have to be in place at the time when the mark of the beast device is being enforced on all humankind.

I believe He gave me two pictures to explain what needs to happen.

One picture was that of a pregnant woman. The independent system that I believe the Lord wants the body of Christ to create, will be like an unborn baby inside the womb. There is a time of growth during which the baby is very dependent on the mother [I believe that time starts now, in 2020], but when the baby is fully developed and ready, it is born, i.e. released from the mother [this will be some years into the future]. So when the mark of the beast is being enforced on all of humankind, and Christians are left with no other choice, the time will be right for this new system to begin to function completely independently. If the “baby” is released too soon, it will not survive.

The details of this independent system will have to be determined by the Lord, who sees, understands, and knows everything in advance. We will have to receive detailed instruction and strategy from Him during this time of growing in the “womb” of the existing world economic system. We will have to wait for the precise timing to completely cut the ties (the umbilical cord, if you will) with the current system in order to function completely independently. The picture I am seeing is the scene in the movie Braveheart where William Wallace’s fellow warriors are waiting for his command. “Wait… wait… wait…” There is heavy tension amongst the warriors as the enemy’s cavalry is drawing closer and closer, but they keep waiting for the command. Then at the very last moment, he gives the command. They lift up long wooden poles with very sharp points, creating a wall of big, sharp spears into which the horses and their riders crashed, killing or injuring many a horse and rider. Wallace and his men won the battle that day. It is a very powerful image of waiting for the command and not acting prematurely.

When the “baby” is born, we will continue to be completely dependent on God for direction, protection and maintenance of this new system. This system will be like Noah’s ark, which is the second picture I got. The “Ark” will provide food for everyone who wants to flee the control and the wrath of the antichrist regime during the final years of Great Tribulation.

No matter the consequences, we must remain loyal and faithful to God and operate within the Ark, while we work to bring into the Kingdom as many souls as possible.

No pre-tribulation “rapture”

According to the sequence of events as given in the prophetic vision to John (as written in the book of Revelation), the greatest harvest of souls takes place only AFTER the enforcement of the mark of the beast. This rules out the incorrect doctrine that the church would be “raptured” before the time of GT. Many teachers of the Bible unfortunately teach the pre-tribulation rapture, but this line of thinking is not based on good principles of Bible interpretation.

The “rapture” of the church before that time also makes no logical sense. We represent, in the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. Therefore, if there is still a chance for people to turn to Jesus during that time, where will they run to for help and guidance when the whole body of Christ has already been “raptured”? They will have zero chance of survival if we are not present to shine the light during the darkest time on the earth in human history.

During the year that the Lord started speaking to me about all of this (2011), my prophetic dreams about the GT increased in number. My family members and I are often present in these dreams, which convey the message that we will be on the earth during that time, and not “raptured”. I have also heard others who dream apocalyptic type dreams, even those who are not yet born again. I believe that the purpose of such dreams is to bring about a sense of urgency within our spirits.

During 2012 while I was studying to acquire the BTh (hons) degree, I wrote an academic essay on the end-time prophecies of Daniel. Along with my study of the Scriptures, I researched the work of other scholars, and became convinced, on a theological level, what I believed the Lord also revealed to my spirit, that the saints (the body of Christ) will indeed have to endure during the time of greatest suffering the earth has ever seen. This is what the Lord has to prepare us for. [I will make this essay available for anyone who is brave enough to read it – it is written in a very academic way]

What will the Ark “look like”?

The Ark will have to exist worldwide and in every country.

It will be a network of people that can function financially (and in other ways) independently from the current world system, specifically during the time when the mark of the beast will be enforced on all of humankind. Within this system every kind of product or service which is essential for survival should be available for a period of 3,5 years. This network will consist for example of farmers, business owners, doctors and people from all kinds of professions and all walks of life. The only factor that will prevent people from being a part of this network, will be that they have taken the mark of the beast.

The Ark will have its own banking system, for functioning only within itself. Alternatively, we will return to a system of trading physical goods and services with each other, all within the Ark.

Every community will have to be self-sufficient in producing food and acquiring drinking water and water for cleansing purposes. Those communities that can’t cultivate due to location will have to be taken care of by other communities. Christians will also have to have capacity to take care of all of those who will come to faith in Christ during the time of GT.

[Now in 2020, looking back over the past nine years, I see how the Lord has been speaking to others the same or similar message. I have a number of friends, and hear of others who have been given or are acquiring land to farm on, and people are led to live a more natural, organic kind of life. As voiced in many prophecies, I believe SA will be the bread basket for Africa.]

We will have an alternative way of fueling our vehicles, or sources of fuel that is not controlled by the antichrist regime. I don’t know for how long fuel can be stored in containers. Perhaps we will not be able to travel internationally at that time.

We will need a way to communicate with one another since the internet and phone networks will probably be controlled by the regime. I believe we will also learn to be extremely fine-tuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit in order to trust His guidance to secret places of gatherings, like in the story of Brother Yun in his book “The Heavenly Man”.

We will probably need to get training in how to handle persecution, just like during Brother Yun’s time in China. Jesus said that that time will be the worst time in all of human history. We all need to be prepared for it, especially our children.

The building of such an Ark may not make sense to many people, and will be just as strange as when Noah built a big boat at a time when people had not seen rain before. We have to discern the will of the Lord spiritually, like Noah did, and not look at the physical circumstances or listen to the voices of reason.

In 2012 I once saw a vision of an almost circle of people holding hands. They were all “able bodied” adult people. They were all facing to the outside. They stood in the shape of a boat, from a bird’s eye view and it came to me that it was the shape of an ark. Their backs were obviously turned to the center of this ark-shape. Inside this shape were other people, as if protected by those who stood facing the outside. Those inside were the weaker ones, the fragile, the elderly and children. There were strong winds (think Cape Town type winds) coming against all those who were holding hands and facing the outside, but they remained standing and the chain of people was not broken. I felt that the Lord told me through this vision that the generation that needs to be prepared for the end of end-times, are those who will be strong, those who will protect all the others.

Just like Noah must’ve felt overwhelmed at first considering the magnitude of the task that lay before him, this task of building an invisible ark seemed almost impossible. But the Lord soon provided some encouragement.

Some have already started building

During the latter part of 2011, I believe through divine appointment, I met a man in SA who told me about a network of, at that time, around 3000 people who had already started to live “off the grid”, trying their best to live independently of the world system. They had been busy separating themselves from the current economic and political systems of this world, of which we all are subjects. He explained that each one of us gets an ID number after birth and for the rest of our natural lives, we belong to this system. We pay taxes, vehicle licenses etc. This man, and others like him, has an incredible amount of knowledge about the extent to which we are being controlled, from a natural point of view.

During my conversation with him, the plan of God to build and invisible Ark became more realistic.

This man has a very daring approach to the fact that we are slaves of the system. He wrote a letter which he directly addressed to the queen of England. In this letter he officially stated that he had separated himself from the highest human authority on earth. He addressed the letter to her because he understood that, although SA became a republic in 1961, SA has still been part of the Commonwealth Countries. These are allowed to govern themselves, but the authority that is represented by the queen has in actuality more control over us than we realise. We are slaves of the system of which the queen represents the highest authority. The man received no response from the queen. I interpreted the lack of response as the queen not opposing him. He is therefore now living as if he is his own government. He doesn’t pay taxes or vehicle lisences, and when he has to use his ID number, he calls it a “redeemed” ID number. This kind of attitude and behaviour is very radical and rebellious towards all human authority. However, this is the kind of behaviour that all Christians will have to display in the future, at the time of the revealing of the one world ruler, the antichrist, and the enforcing of the mark of the beast.

Although we can learn much from the people who have already started separating themselves from the current systems of the world, I believe it is unwise to do so now. The time for this is not yet, and all who do so now are in opposition to the Word of God. People who do this now are making themselves vulnerable for premature prosecution by the authorities. We are more valuable alive than dead or in prison, and we therefore need to be “wise as serpents, but innocent as doves”. So for now we still need to remain in submission to the system we find ourselves in, the one we have been born into. Jesus said to “pay the things of the Caesar to the Caesar, and the things of God to God…” He said this in a time when the Jews were greatly oppressed by the Roman government, and exploited even by their own people, the tax collectors. If we rebel against the governing authorities too soon, we are rebelling against God. The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.  It is like a baby being born too soon. He will not survive. And misleading other people is a serious matter. But when God tells us to come out from under the antichrist governing authorities, it will be rebellion against them, but obedience to God. The “baby” will then be born at the right time, and we will survive.

Daniel and his friends also submitted themselves to the government of their time, except for praying to the king as god. Because of that, they were tested by fire (Daniel in the lion’s den and his friends in the fire), but they all came out of the testing unharmed, and those who witnessed their testing acknowledged their God afterwards. 

I was reminded of the story of Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt. Although we are spiritually free in Jesus Christ, we are slaves of the systems of “Egypt”, the systems of this world. We will all remain in forced submission to these systems until the appointed time for our deliverance, when the “baby”, the “Ark”, the new system is ready which we will need during the GT.

When will the “ship sail”?

In 2011, during the first months that the Lord was speaking to me about this plan, I was wondering about the timeline. How will we know more or less when to be ready to break free from the world economic system? One day I read a typed prophecy which a friend of mine, a lady, gave at the dedication of a baby of other friends of mine. The lady is a well-known leading intercessor in Mpumalanga, South Africa. From the prophecy one could gather that the boy would grow to adulthood and he was going to be a strong leader, which meant that the Second Coming of Jesus was not around the corner. I sent a message to her, my intercessor friend, sharing with her my question concerning the prophetically estimated timeline for the Second Coming. If a baby in 2011 would grow to adulthood and become a strong leader, we can add at least 20 to 30 years. Her answer to me was that God showed her the number of years ahead: 40 (40 years from 2011). A day or two after she sent me this message, I was standing in the kindergarten class where I was teaching English to the little Taiwanese kids. While they were busy with some colouring activity, I pondered my friend’s words. I pondered the number of years: 40. At that very moment one of the little boys turned around and turned his back towards me. He had a little baseball shirt on and on the back of this shirt, there was a big number 40! I had not seen it earlier. Co-incidence? I think not. I think it was the Lord’s way of confirming what He had told my friend. 2011 + 40 years would take us to the 2050’s. [This is in line with the well know prophet, Bob Jones’s prophecy of the same year (see YouTube: Bob Jones 100-year prophecy). He prophesied that we will see the 2050’s. I heard this prophecy only in 2020.]

Jesus spoke of his Second Coming when He said, “Now about that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of heaven nor the Son, except the Father alone” (Matt.24:36*). We will not know the exact timing of any of the end-time events before they happen, but we can discern the season, as Jesus explained just a few sentences before (Matt.24:32-33). I believe that the closer we get to that time, the more detail we will receive from the Spirit of the Lord.

[When covid-19 hit South Africa, I felt in my spirit that this was not yet the end of end times. I felt that this was a contraction, like a woman in labour has contractions before the birth of the baby. I felt that we should view this as a wakeup call, especially amidst all the talks of the mark of the beast, and that we need to start preparing. I also felt in my spirit that the Holy Spirit said that this was only a “dress rehearsal” and that the true fulfilment of Biblical prophecies with regard to the time of GT was still in the future. I knew in my spirit, and according to Biblical prophecy, that many things must still happen before the antichrist ruler is revealed. And then on the 28th of March 2020 I listened to Shawn Bolz speak on TV. He read some prophecies by other well known prophets, and then confirmed in his own words what I believe, which is that this virus outbreak is just the dress rehearsal of what is to come in the future, and that we will see the end of this virus soon and life will return back to “normal” (although the world will not be the same after this) and we will have a time of peace after this. Bob Jones indeed said that the 2020’s will be a time of rest. I believe we should allow this pandemic to really wake us up and then use this time of rest to prepare for what is to come in the future. ]

In 2015 I listened to a message by Bonnie Jones, the wife of Bob Jones (the video can be found on the Morningstar TV website; the message was broadcast on 8 August 2015). The title is: The Army of God. She spoke about a prophetic word that the Lord had given them in the 70’s, that those born after 1980 would be part of the end-time army. If the Second Coming of Jesus will take place only after 2050, then it would make sense that the end-time army would be around 70 years and younger. I personally believe that everyone else who was born before 1980 (including myself) is called to help prepare and equip those who will be the end-time army. They are our younger brothers and sisters, our children and grand children. If we love them and care about them, we will participate in this preparation and equipping that must take place during the next few decades.

*Interestingly, the very next words of Jesus were as follows: “… because just as in the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man; because as it was during the days before the flood – they were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, until which day Noah went into the ark…” (Matt.24:37-39). Can it be that Jesus also alluded to the invisible Ark that would be built in the last days, so that we could read between the lines when the Lord would speak to us about such an Ark?

Where do we start?

 [It has already started]. Church leaders all over the world need to be informed about the plan. I believe God will confirm this plan through many prophets; otherwise the body of Christ will not take this seriously. [With Covid-19 and many talks of a vaccine, I think the body of Christ will now be receptive of instructions for the way forward.] Many in the body of Christ will need to buy into the vision and work together in order to build the Ark.

The Lord strongly pressed upon me that we need to prepare the next generation, our children, who will be adults during the time of GT, for that time. We cannot leave all the preparations until the last minute. It is the duty of all of us who are adults now to start looking ahead and start preparing the body of Christ for that time.

We can take a hint from the story of Noah. It took him around 100 years to build an ark which he needed for only one year. We will need fewer years “to build the Ark” which we will need for three and a half years. [I think now in 2020 we will start using it right away, but we will still be dependent on the world systems for quite some time.]

Self defense?

One day in 2011 while praying, I was reminded of the story of Esther. The king, advised by the evil Haman, sent a delegation to inform all Jews that they would be annihilated on a certain day. However, Esther fasted, prayed and intervened in order to save the Jews. She pleaded with the king on behalf of the Jews. The king listened and granted her request. He sent another delegation to convey the message that the Jews would be allowed to fight back on the day of their being attacked in order to defend themselves. I believe that the message here is that God wants us to prepare for what is coming against us. I am not yet certain whether it includes military opposition. It might be that we will be allowed by God to protect ourselves with weapons, since everyone that will be coming against us will have received the mark of the beast and will have no hope to be saved for eternal life. When we defend ourselves against them and they die, it will not be like taking a life, since they will be spiritually already dead, with no hope of resurrection.

I was reminded of the story of Nehemiah. When there was a wall to be built, he mobilised everyone to just do their part in rebuilding a piece of the wall. They had to have their building equipment in one hand, and a sword in the other to fend off the enemy.

In summary

Thus far the outlines of the plan are as follows (and are subject to change as the Holy Spirit leads us and reveals to us):

1.      To sound the trumpet call to the body of Christ to start preparing for the end of end-times. The aim will be to: -

2.      Inform the whole body of Christ of the plans of the governments of the world to create the New World Order, which will usher in the antichrist regime, the one world government;

3.      Prepare the body of Christ to resist the mark of the beast when it comes to be enforced on all of humankind;

4.      Give guidelines for the “building of the Ark” which Christians will need for survival;

5.      Prepare the body of Christ to handle the times of suffering that will come upon us, and possibly to be able to defend themselves against the enemy.

Please ask the Lord where you should be building and then get to work.

May you find that His grace is sufficient at all times and through all the stormy waters we need to navigate.

May the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord show you favour and give you peace.


Please e-mail me with questions, comments or contributions: anita4theking@gmail.com

(Prophetic vision and instruction given to Anita le Roux, Nelspruit, South Africa)