Saturday, 4 April 2020

When coronavirus is near, NO FEAR! Because the KING is HERE!

Hello dear friends and family. The purpose of this writing is to give information that I believe will set many people free from the fear that they have been feeling due to the covid-19 scare. We read in Scripture, “then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Truth works like a bright light which lights up the soul in order to bring to light every lie that keeps a person in bondage to fear, so that one can be free from fear. We also read “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love” (1 John 4:18). When we hear the truth of a matter, and we receive God’s love into our spirit, soul and body, we will have no reason to fear. 
In order to bring you some truth, I am sharing the following from a medical perspective. I am not a medical practitioner, but I can read and I can think, and so can you. The source I consulted is a book that was written by South African medical doctor MK Strydom. The name of the book is “Healing begins with sanctification of the heart”. Her style of writing makes it easy for anyone to understand it. You don’t need any prior medical education. 

I trust this source, since Dr Strydom is an outspoken fellow believer in Jesus Christ and in addition, she doesn’t look at only one aspect of the human being, namely the body. She addresses the fact that there is a connection between our spirit, our mind, and our body. She states that NO DISEASE IS INCURABLE if you address the disease from this holistic spirit-mind-body point of view. Dr. Strydom has also appeared on at least one TV channel that I have watched, sharing her insight into the causes and cures for diseases. 

Dr. Strydom’s book is available as a PDF document on the internet. Google: MK Strydom pdf and click on the first result. Her website is You can download the book and read it yourself. This will be time well spent during lockdown. This is edition 4 of her book.

I have also checked these facts with a few friends who have studied in the fields of medical science and microbiology, who are fellow Christians and also read this blog. However, I’d like to encourage you to do your own research. In addition please ponder and pray about everything I am saying here.

I am pointing to some portions of her book. My comments are indicated. 

On page 600, under the heading Viruses: “When we get an infection, it can be caused by parasites, a fungus, bacteria or viruses. These organisms are not able to infect our bodies unless our immune system is weakened and compromised. A thought life that is dominated by fear, anxiety and stress will result in high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood. In large quantities cortisol kills the cells of the immune system. The consequence is that you are now vulnerable to infections because your immune system is weakened.”

My comment: Think about all the fear that is being produced in people through all the reports on the news and social media of infections and deaths due to coronavirus. What can enhance these feelings of fear, anxiety and stress is the lockdown in many countries, something that none of us alive have experienced in our lifetime. 

P.601: “Bacteria, fungi and parasites that infect the human body and cause disease are living organisms – they are able to reproduce and are able to survive on their own… they are like little animals. But there is something very different about a virus: a virus does not have an original life form of its own. That is an important point and you’ll see why later” 

She then describes what a virus actually is. (I am summarizing this part) It basically consists of a defective piece of genetic material that is encapsulated by a protein coat. Both of these elements were originally derived from another life form – so, firstly, a virus does not have an original life form of its own. It is not a little animal. God did not create viruses. Secondly, a virus is not able to live and survive on its own. I understand this to mean that outside of a human or animal body, a virus cannot survive. Thirdly, it continually changes its genetic material and appearance by taking pieces of the body cell’s genetic material and membrane as it moves from one body cell to the next. 

“There are no medical drugs that have been invented that have ever cured a viral infection. One of the reasons is because the virus is continuously changing.” She then quotes Henry W. Wright, a pastor who has prayed for many people who then got healed of even incurable diseases. He wrote in his book (“A More Excellent Way”) the following: “There is an intelligence behind viruses that defies imagination. A virus is an aberration of a genetic life form that seems to have a mind of its own.” She continues: “Even the medical community has the most astounding definition of a virus: ‘Viruses are an alien genetic life force’. The genetic code material that the virus is made up of, does not think, but behind viruses is an invisible being that does think. There is a type of intelligence and it is not from God. There’s something alien about a virus that is an intelligent, invisible being that afflicts man’s flesh with a highly calculated destructive mission.” (*See my comment on this section further down)

Now, let’s look at what Dr. Strydom says about the flu and the common cold: (p.371)

The common cold is mostly caused by the rhinovirus, although it can also be caused by other viruses such as the coronavirus, enterovirus, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus.”

Let’s look at the symptoms of the common cold: “runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. The throat is often sore and sometimes is the initial symptom. The person does not usually get a headache or fever”

My comment: These certainly don’t seem like the only symptoms that people have who reportedly have died and are dying from coronavirus! 

Let’s then look at the flu: Outbreaks of flu that vary in severity occur every winter. The symptoms of flu are fevers, chills, headache, muscle pain etc. and respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat and discomfort in the chest. The symptoms generally last for 2 – 5 days and most people recover within a week. However a few people (especially the elderly who tend to have weaker immune systems) may experience fatigue /loss of energy for several weeks. The flu will also last longer and get progressively worse if it is complicated by a secondary viral or bacterial infection of the lungs (pneumonia). Most people who die in flu pandemics are those that already have another underlying illness, especially chronic heart, lung and kidney diseases.”

I continue on p.371“… the subtypes of influenza type A viruses that caused epidemics and pandemics are summarized on the following page” - p.372. After giving the summary, she writes: “The most severe and extensive outbreaks are caused by the influenza A virus because of the ability of this virus to periodically change its structure (mutate). When the virus changes the structure… it is more difficult for the cells of the immune system to recognize the new virus and produce antibodies to kill it. The greater the change in the structure of the virus, the more severe the outbreak of flu… A major variation in the structure of a virus will result in a pandemic which is a worldwide outbreak of severe flu that kills a lot of people.” She then gives an example of this in history, namely the flu pandemic of 1957 which killed over 70 000 people in America alone. 

My comment: Judging by the symptoms that are reportedly caused by covid-19, this information makes it clear that covid-19 behaves like a type of influenza, and not just a common cold. The pandemic reportedly caused by covid-19 looks a lot like a pandemic of seasonal flu. Notice that the countries that are hit hardest are all currently in winter.

P.373: “The factors that result in the start and termination of flu outbreaks are not completely understood yet by the medical community. However they have recognised that a major determinant of the extent and severity of a flu outbreak is the level of immunity in the population at risk, i.e. how strong the people’s immune systems are….” The viruses that cause influenza and the common cold “are only able to infect the body when the immune system is weakened.” As already explained, “when your body is in stage 2 or 3 of stress, the high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol destroy the cells of the immune system, thereby weakening the immune system and leaving you with little defence against viruses. The body is put into a toxic state of stress in the following situations (amongst others): 

1. Not looking after your body, for e.g. over working, not resting    enough, not enough exercise, unhealthy diet with excess sugar, processed foods etc.;

2.  Athought life dominated by fear and anxiety

3.  A thought life dominated by bitterness and unforgiveness

4.  Strife and gossip. 

The best thing you can do when you have the common cold or flu is to rest and get lots of sleep.”

The question arises, why did covid-19 (or perhaps a mixture of flu viruses – how will we know for sure?) cause a pandemic during this 2019/2020 winter? What is different about this winter for those countries that are currently in winter? Why do people seem to be more vulnerable than previous years, especially in the modern era, and in first world countries where people have arguably been healthier than in any previous age? Can it be that on top of the factors mentioned by Dr. Strydom, there is another factor that is currently greatly weakening people’s immune systems? We will come back to this question a little further down. 

*What to do with a virus? 

Let’s get back to the matter of the intelligence behind viruses (p.601). This to me was an amazing piece of information, because it sort of confirmed for me a thought that the Lord shared with me a day before I read this in her book. During lockdown, on 1 April (no jokes), I was reminded of the following: Everything that was created was spoken into being by God. Even Lucifer, the angel of light, was created and he was perfect at first. But he rebelled and consequently became corrupted and was therefore cast out of heaven by God (Is.14:12-15; Ez.28:12-19; Luk.10:18). I believe the Lord then gave me this metaphor: Satan, who was once an angel, became like a virus. He can produce nothing good, and can only take what God had made, mess it up, and then create something that is destructive, something that does not give life, but which kills. This is exactly the characteristics of viruses. 

So, if there is a type of intelligence behind viruses, but it is not from God, then what is the source? Satan of course! He is the virus that causes sin, sickness and death everywhere he goes, and he is the one who invented, and has the power to create viruses, since he is still the god of this world (2 Cor.4:4), even though we who are in Christ (Col.1:27) has authority over him. If you doubt whether satan can create, just look at what he did through the magicians in Egypt who copied the miracles that God did through Moses, such as letting their staffs also become snakes. Satan’s works are however always only counterfeits of what God creates, so don’t be fooled by them. The snake of Moses swallowed the snakes of the magicians.

P.602: “Henry Wright suggested that viruses are the spirits of infirmity in tissue that the Bible talks about, and considering the characteristics of a virus, I believe that makes a lot of sense. There is no medical drug that has ever been invented that has ever been able to kill a virus because we are trying to kill something that is already dead.” 

When I read this, I must admit that I laughed out loud as if laughing in the face of satan! The viruses that he creates are DEAD! Yes they can make people sick and sometimes also kill them, but if people only knew the authority (in Jesus Christ) that they can over him and all of his little viruses, his little sons that he created in his image, then the battle could’ve been won quickly!  Satan is the author of viruses and since there is no medical cure for viruses, guess what the cure is? Quoting Dr. Strydom: “You cannot kill a virus, you cannot destroy it, but you can divert it…”. In other words they just need to get out of the body for then they will cease to exist. How are viruses diverted? I am not going to quote Dr. Strydom on this. Please read it yourself on p.602. And then also read p.596 – 600. She also strongly suggests that a person read the first 3 chapters of her book before reading anything else.

But I can testify from my own life, that what she describes, is basically what I have understood and been doing for years whenever I felt a cold coming on. I cannot remember when last I had either a cold or the flu (perhaps 6 years ago), even while others around me had the flu. At the very most, I have woken up in the morning with a throat that feels a little croaky, almost sore, and maybe also a sneeze. I then always, just in case, say this out loud: “I command whatever virus may have entered my body, to leave, in the Name of Jesus”. The little bit of sore throat then always goes away almost instantly. I don’t say this arrogantly. Every single person can take this stand against viruses, if you are in Jesus Christ (Col.1:27).

I also have never had a vaccination against flu or the common cold, and I will never get it, because a vaccination, for those who don’t know, is basically an injection with a low dosage of those horrible things, those little demons if you will, in order for your body to learn to fight it. But I believe that God created my body with the ability to fight and repel the virus whenever it makes its appearing, and that I don’t need a practice run through getting a vaccine! 

Let’s get back to our present situation. Thus far the tens of thousands of deaths caused by covid-19 (and what else?) occurred mostly in first world countries during winter time. As on 4th of April the countries which have more than 1000 deaths each, were as follows: USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, China, France, Iran, UK, Belgium, and Netherlands. Should we not expect similar numbers in third world countries that are also in winter now? What about all the Eastern Europe countries? India? The Middle East? These are countries where people live closer together and under more unhygienic circumstances. I ask the question again: Could it be that these first world countries have an element that greatly compromises the immune systems of the people living there - something that is absent in the third world countries? 

Weakened immune systems

Let’s see… You should know by now, because it’s all over social media – 5G. I know that the few people, who propagated this, are labelled and sharply criticised as being conspiracy theorists. But let’s push all of that aside and think about this scientifically. (I am not a biologist, a physicist or a medical doctor, but I do think like a scientist since I studied science and worked as a forensic scientist for about 9 years. I don’t see any clash between my knowledge of and faith in God and real science and I see God as the creator of all the principles that real science is based on. And since God created those principles, He can bypass them whenever He wants to in order to do a miracle. He often does his miracles through believing believers.)

If you have been out of the loop with regards to the big debate, then you can read this article on Watch: Debate raging on link between 5G technology, coronavirus pandemic.

With what I understand so far, it seems highly probable that 5G (5th generation wireless technology for internet data transmission for mobile devices) radio frequency (RF) radiation is what causes people’s immune systems to be compromised so that they are more vulnerable to virus infections. Is there any scientific proof for this statement? “Wireless technologies (microwaves) have been shown in countless peer reviewed studies (links below) to have negative effects on cell health, be they minor and debilitating, or severe.” This quote comes from the article by, named: Stop 5G rollout in Cape Town, South Africa… You can find that article and read all the articles that support their argument. 

But if you don’t have time for that, here is an explanation that is easy to understand if you have a microwave oven in your kitchen, as I do. I have learnt from a young age that microwaves are very bad for the human body. I have heard of the man who managed to operate his microwave oven without a door in his cafeteria, selling pies. He used to put the pies inside the microwave oven to be warmed up, with his bare hand, while the oven was running, because it saved him time. One day, after doing this for who knows how long, his hand just fell off. Why? The radio frequency (RF) radiation of microwaves is high and is harmful to animals and humans. The microwave frequency range is 1GHz to approximately 100 GHz. It is within this range that mobile data is transmitted. My microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2.45 GHz (2450MHz), and it cooks my food! (You can read the label on your microwave oven to see what microwave frequency it emits). While 3G and 4G (which most people use at the moment) operates at approximately 1.8 GHz up to 8 GHz, 5G will operate at between 24GHz and 72GHz. Notice the jump! It is at least ten times stronger than in my microwave oven! If my food cooks at 2.45 GHz, what effect will 72 GHz have on my body?! Some articles will tell you that microwaves are non-iodizing radiation and therefore not harmful to your body. Believe me that they are the promoters of 5G, and they tell you this only to sound clever so you will believe it is a valid argument. It is not! They know that people with no science background will not know what this means. Yes microwaves are non-iodizing, but if my food is cooked by non-iodizing radiation of a lower frequency (2,45GHz), how much more will non-iodizing radiation of a higher frequency (72GHz) do damage to my body?! So, we can expect health effects to our bodies when 5G comes to our area. 

But why would the authorities push for the implementation of 5G when it is so harmful to us? The answer: they need it for artificial intelligence, smart homes, driverless cars, etc. The advancement in technology is more important to them than the lives of human beings. Don’t be surprised by this… let me rather not go any further with this…

My personal belief then is that the launch of 5G in many of the major cities of the world is the cause of the many weakened immune systems in people, which greatly promotes the pandemic in countries that are in winter right now. This is the first winter they have had since 5G has been in operation.

There are certainly other factors also at play here, even more than that which has already crossed my investigative and researching mind. A few crumbs for thought: -

How did this pandemic start? There are a number of different reports (from a monkey in a fish market – mmm… sounds like the movie “Outbreak” that was released in 1995), rumours (a virus created in a lab, like in Episode 10 of Season 1 of “My Secret, Terrius”, on Netflix – mmm… very conveniently timed) and other conspiracy theories (or conspiracy truths?). We may never know the truth, but let me just say that I believe that the purpose of all of these reports, theories (and movies!) are meant to try and distract our attention from the greater long-term danger, which is 5G. These all serve as the scapegoat - some ideas, some things or some people to divert the blame to. 

Let me just mention what I heard from a source I am not going to reveal here (but I will send it to you if you ask me privately for it). I am part paraphrasing, part quoting: Angela Merckel recently said (reported on BBC news) that 70% of the people in Germany would probably be effected by coronavirus. But if we look at the stats, we see that over a period of time 70% of any population get seasonal (winter) flu at one time or another. This is nothing out of the ordinary. But if there is no direct proof as to which virus caused that flu, then it is dumped into this big basket which is called flu… But then if you have enough of this hype (of coronavirus), then everybody suddenly has coronavirus. What is also happening now is that covid-19 is singled out when tests are done, rather than testing for the whole spectrum of common cold and flu viruses. Why would they do that? Furthermore, Dr. Marc Siegel said on Fox News on coronavirus: ‘I think it is a whopping amount of cases undiagnosed’. This doctor addresses the fact that they are not allowed to see patients in order to test and make correct diagnoses. He says that most people who have symptoms of flu are not tested to confirm whether it is indeed caused by coronavirus. 

It seems probable that in the case of a pandemic, it is not possible to keep track of exactly which virus/es infected every individual person. It is possible that many cases are reported as covid-19, without proof to show otherwise, in the name of ‘fear of infection’, and that they are added to the covid-19 stats anyway. Why would they do something like this? Why would they want the covid-19 stats to be high? Let me not go there… except to say that time will tell. 

Now on a more positive note: 

Johannesburg and Pretoria also already has 5G, but we have seen only a small number of deaths thus far. I have hope that there will not be a significant rise in deaths due to 5G and the flu, in SA, anytime soon, for a few reasons: 

1. From a natural point of view, we are not currently in winter, although it is approaching. Furthermore, because of lockdown and everyone been made aware to take precautions, we have a better chance against any type of flu this year than in the northern countries.

2.  Covid-19 may soon come to its sudden end, as with flu pandemics in the past. A doctor friend explained to me that covid-19 is an RNA virus which means it multiplies rapidly, but with the disadvantage that it doesn’t copy itself accurately, which weakens the virus and causes the pandemic to peak relatively soon and is then brought to a sudden end.

3. I read on the website of ‘rain’ (the company responsible for launching 5G in SA), that “In some areas of the world, 5G networks are built using millimetre wave spectrum bands” (higher frequencies) “this requires far denser networks (i.e. more towers) at much greater cost compared to rain’s NSA design, which is more appropriate for the South African context.” If this is the truth, then the health risk at this stage is a little bit less than in those other countries. Nonetheless, the health risk remains, and I for one, will do everything in my power to prevent 5G from coming to my town. Other than the health risks, there are other reasons why we should resist 5G for as long as possible, but again, I won’t get into that now…

4. Those of us whose ears are prophetically tuned to the voice of the Lord believe and are expectant of a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God that heals and delivers. We believe that this move of God will occur all over the world, and that it is coming soon, in fact it is right at our doorstep. The Lord revealed to many of his children that this lockdown period is a time given to us for rest and to draw close to him, to have our lamps filled with oil, and to prepare and be ready for the greatest show of His glory and for the greatest time of our lives! So moenie worry nie, watch net! 

How should we respond to all of this information? 

1. We first need to get the fear out of our systems, as much as possible. Unless you can find good reason to prove me wrong, then give this information the benefit of the doubt, and let the truth drive out the fear in your heart. Fear and anxiety will weaken your immune system, so your main priority is to get to a place of being filled with peace. Read Philippians 4:6-7, and pray. Take this time to really draw close to God, and let his love wash through you and drive out all the fear. The only person who should fear is the one who does not have the right relationship with God.

2. What the enemy planned for evil, God intended for our good. These three weeks at home with your family is one of the best things that can happen to us as a nation, because this is a time of bonding with family members. And if the basic building unit (family) of a nation is strong, the nation can be strong. So don’t worry – be happy!

3. Take good care of your body. Most of us in lockdown have all the reason in the world to rest right now. Do all you have to do to keep a healthy lifestyle. Don’t be a couch potato. Find ways to stimulate your mind and exercise your body.

4. Do not connect to 5G. Most of us don’t really need faster internet speeds anyway, unless you’re creating an artificially intelligent robot. Rather get fibre in your house.

5.  Don’t get vaccinated with a possible future covid-19 vaccine!

6. If you are not at a good place with God, then now is the best time ever to come into the love of the Father, and receive his peace, comfort and direction. Consider this: When Adam and Eve leant their ears out to the lies of satan, they became infected with the virus of sin, disease and death. Like toxins they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. All of their offspring and future generations were subjected to the same fate. The disease of sin blinded us (2 Cor.4:4) so that we could not see the true God, the One who created us. Fortunately, because He is so merciful, He sent Jesus, His Son, the perfectly healthy and sinless One, into our fallen, diseased world, to come and point us back to the Father. He died proving His love for us, so we should not have any doubt. And He rose from the dead to prove his power and authority over satan. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to this truth, if you have not believed it yet. Jesus is the Light that shines in the darkness, so that we can choose to step out of the darkness into His marvellous Light (1 Pet.2:9). He is our Way back to the Father. He is our Truth that sets us free from sin, disease and death. And in Him, we become a new creation, when we receive His Life inside of us.

7. Stop magnifying the virus and only magnify the Lord, the victorious One! Join many voices around the world and proclaim the end of the virus! And be ready for the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit than the world has ever seen.