When Jesus started his ministry on
earth, He started by stating his purpose for coming, saying that He had come to
bring a message, which is to proclaim and teach about the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43). He
did this through words and actions throughout his 3 years of ministry. He
performed many miracles, and He said to those who didn’t believe his message,
to believe the works that He did (John 10:38). Satan deceived and blinded
mankind which necessitated the Father to send Jesus to come down to help us see
the truth again (of course the Father had decided this before the foundation of
the world, because satan had already rebelled and God knew that mankind would
be vulnerable to satan’s deception). Therefore Jesus was hated by those who
were deceived by satan, and they were responsible for his death, which God the
Father allowed for the purposes that He had determined beforehand. Before He
went to the cross, Jesus prayed and stated that He had completed the work that
the Father gave Him to do (John 17:4), and He mentioned what it was, “I have revealed Your name to the people
whom you gave Me out of the world… the words that You gave to Me I have given
to them and they accepted it … and they believed that You sent Me” (John
17:6-8). Jesus’ purpose for coming was to reveal to people who the Father was
through the message that was delivered in words and actions. Before the ascension Jesus delegated this work and gave the great command to his
disciples to continue the work that He had started, to preach the gospel of the
Kingdom (to deliver the same message) and to make disciples as He did
(Matt.28:18-20). The message that Jesus came to bring to mankind was that of a
Creator God who loves like no other, and who has mercy on sinful man, a message
of forgiveness, healing, freedom and restoration, and of eternal life with an
eternal God.
Most of you reading here will know
about the trial I have been through concerning my left knee. After two failed
operations I am in need of a miracle. I believe that God could’ve given success
at the first operation, but He didn’t, even though we prayed for success. He
then allowed the second operation, also without success, because based on
everything He has been telling me, I believe that He wanted me to come
completely to the end of my rope, so that there was nothing I or anyone else
could do for my knee. I could ask for a financial miracle so that I could go
for a third operation, but I don’t believe that it is his will (my medical aid
will only allow another operation in 9 months). If He wanted to heal me through
the hands of man, He could’ve done it at the first opportunity. So I trusted,
waited, prayed, fasted, and many people from all over the world laid hands on
me and prayed (I fellowship in Iris Revival Church where we receive many
missionaries from all over the world).
During the last couple of months
especially, I have been receiving messages from God, directly or through other
people that it is time to rest and that I should delight myself in the Lord; I
have to be full of joy. But I thought and prayed, “God, don’t You know how full of joy I will be if you will just heal my
knee and also fulfil the promises You’ve made to me, if You will only do this
and that and the other…?” I didn’t understand the messages of joy and rest
while my healing wasn’t taking place.
A few weeks ago I had a great
expectation for his supernatural healing on a very specific day. I was prayed
for by pastor Surprise and Edi and some others, and the Holy Spirit was
obviously present and something must’ve happened in the spirit, but my kneecap
from heaven wasn’t delivered. I felt very disappointed. I had done and prayed
everything I could think of and even felt led by the Holy Spirit to do, but
with no success.
Over the next few days I started
feeling that the only thing left to do, was to surrender completely to God, not
as another thing I could do to get Him to heal me, but just to surrender
whatever may come, healing or no healing. I was inspired by the song “I raise a
Hallelujah” from Bethel. All that was left to do was to surrender and praise
God, come what may. So that is what I did. I basically said, “Father, I don’t understand, but I trust,
and I surrender”. After that surrender I was so surprised at how clearly He
started speaking to me and revealed this message I am sharing here. I heard Him
say: “I set up the privileges and
responsibilities in your life…. And I even set up the disappointments, because
how will you be relevant in this world if you don’t go through the same disappointments
as other people do?” I was a bit taken aback by these words, but He
continued to speak and I realised that He was delivering a powerful message to
Jesus did not only deliver his
message to us through his words and miracles. But while Jesus was being tortured and dying, I believe the Father continued to deliver the message through his dying Son. Everything He said on the cross, and
the way He handled his suffering, was part of the message about who the Father
his. The first three things He said revealed that while being in the greatest
amount of pain one could think of, He wasn’t consumed by his own need, but the
needs of others. He told John to take care of his mom, Mary. He told the sinner
next to him that he would enter paradise that day, and He prayed to the Father
to forgive his murderers, because of their ignorance. His next two statements
showed his humanity: He was thirsty, completely emptied out physically and
spiritually, and He felt even separated from the Father. His last two
statements wrapped things up. Tetelestai. It was done. Everything that the
Father had to allow to happen was completed. And then Jesus surrendered his
Spirit to the Father. He trusted his Spirit into the very hands of the One who
allowed all of this to happen to Him. Complete surrender. Complete obedience.
Complete submission to the will of the Father. If Jesus was a mere human being
and didn’t understand what was going on, He could’ve said “Father, I don’t
understand, but I trust, and I surrender”. But Jesus did understand what it was
all about, and He knew that the resurrection awaited Him, as John explains when
Jesus said “destroy this Temple and in
three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19-21). Jesus was the real Temple.
Jesus suffered in such a way that the
Roman Centurion exclaimed “Truly this was
the Son of God!” (Matt.27:54). He had seen nobody else die in the
way that Jesus died, in a Godly way, without sinning. Not one vile word came
from his mouth. He didn’t curse man and He didn’t curse God. Jesus said “When I am lifted up from the earth I will
draw all to Myself” (John 12:32-33). I believe that what He referred to is
the fact that we see the nature of God so clearly in the Godly way in which
Jesus suffered and when people’s spiritual eyes open up to see God through the
suffering of Jesus, then we are attracted by what we see about Him. Because
Jesus was the perfect man, the second Adam, He also suffered perfectly, without
ever sinning, and that’s why people could see God in Him.
And this was my great revelation: The
cross and resurrection of Christ is a pattern for our own suffering and our
breakthroughs. Jesus, when He had finished delivering his message, the very
purpose for which He came to earth, and when He had fully surrendered and been
fully obedient, He was ready for his Resurrection. Jesus came to deliver the
greatest message of all time, a message that pointed mankind to the real God,
the eternal God who created us for fellowship and unity with Him. All of us who
now belong to Christ, are “little Christs”, which is the meaning of the word “Christians”,
and each one of us also carry a message to the world. If Christ was a big
letter written by God the Father to the world, then all of us are smaller
letters being delivered. Sometimes we will deliver our message through the words
and the works that the Holy Spirit do through us. Other times He will deliver
his message through our suffering or trials - first to us, until we surrender,
and secondly through us, to the world. No wonder that Jesus said “if someone wants to come after Me, let him disregard
himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me”(Luke 9:23-24). If you have
picked up your cross, where are you going with that cross? To be crucified of
course. We must allow our sinful flesh to be crucified in the fire of our trial
that God has to allow.
Jesus didn’t need any character
development while He suffered, because He was already perfect and sinless. But
we the seed of the first Adam, still sin, and so God may allow our suffering
for a time, because in and through the fire, our desperation causes us to draw
closer to God in intimacy. He allows the suffering to gain our full attention,
because He wants us to go deeper in relationship with Him. It is like a Father who has something in his hands that we need or want, but He will not give it until we look at his face long enough to hear what He has in his heart for us. Sometimes we want what is in his hands, but what is more important to acquire is that which is in his heart, his message to us and which He wants to send through us to the world.When we are closer
to Him, He changes us more into the image of Christ, so that we will shine
brighter for others to see His light shining through us, so that they will be
drawn to Him. He is more concerned with
our character than our comfort, for our character is the only thing that we can
take with us into eternity (Rick Joyner’s revelation). When we shine bright in
the midst of our suffering, people who don’t know God, sees that, and they are
drawn to the light, which gives us an opportunity to testify about the God that
enables us, whose grace is sufficient for us amidst our trial.
What Holy Spirit also revealed to me,
is that when I have this eternal perspective, that my trial have the higher
purpose of being a channel for a message from heaven, then my joy, my peace and
my rest must not be determined by my circumstances. In Psalm 16:11 it says that
in the presence of God is fullness of joy. Not in my circumstances, but in his
presence. It became clear to me that because I have relationship with an
eternal God, I can always have an eternal perspective, and a joy and peace that
are eternally sourced. I don’t have to and must not wait for my circumstances
to change to experience fullness of joy! In fact, my circumstances may never
change until I have learnt and experienced fullness of joy only because I am in
his presence! What if He waits for us to get this revelation before He changes
our circumstances?!
But I believe God is faithful, and if
we are determined to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, to be fully obedient and fully
submissive, and if we will endure to the end, and when we start looking like
Jesus, not only when it’s going well with us, but while we are in a trial, and
when He has delivered a message to us and through us, then we will experience a
kind of resurrection, like Job did, where God will restore us to a state that
is better than we were before. So let us be encouraged by the ultimate example
of this, that of Jesus Christ, our Messiah, the very Son of God!
Our suffering can be as a result of
sin, but it can also be just that God allowed it for his purposes in and through
us. When we have sickness or injury in our body, God can heal us instantly like
Jesus healed so many people just because God loves us and because He is good.
When God doesn’t heal us instantly, it might be the trial that He has chosen to
allow for the purposes I have mentioned. We should never assume that someone is
sick or injured because of sin in their life, and we should never accuse them
of not having enough faith for healing. We need to ask God how we are supposed
to support that person and love that person through their trial. There is a
saying in the world: “when times are
hard, friends are few”. It should NOT and must not be the case in the
church. We need to be aware of each other’s trials and we need to support each
other more through our trials, because this also sends out a message to the
world. Jesus said, “by this everyone will
know that you are My disciples – if you have love for one another (John 13:35).” There is a good chance that some divine
message is being downloaded into every person who is going through a trial with
the help of the Holy Spirit, so make sure to spend time with them for you will
be the one walking away blessed and enriched.
Imagine, if we as the body of Christ
can really grasp this message, there is absolutely nothing that the enemy can
throw at us that is able to stop us or silence us. This is the enemy’s aim. He
always tries to get us into a state of depression. He hopes that we will be
discouraged, that we will be silenced, that we will draw away from God, and
that we will become ineffective because of the attacks. But if we can imagine
how much God the Father loved Jesus while He was hanging on the cross, even
while Jesus felt as if the Father had forsaken Him: the Father was right there,
having nothing but love in his heart for his Son. God the Father LOVES us and
is drawing us close to Him through our trials. If we as the body of Christ can
learn that we can always have joy despite our trials and circumstances, if we
can always keep an eternal perspective, and can always trust that God knows
what He is doing, and if we will endure to the end, He will be faithful to the
end, and we will be a force in the world to be reckoned with! We CAN be
victorious just as Jesus was victorious, especially since we already have his resurrection
power working inside of us. Jesus is going with us through our cross. He said “I am with you all the days up to the end of
the age.” (Matt.28:20)
Someone might argue that this
approach means to say that what Jesus “did on the cross” was not enough, was
not “finished”, and that there is something more that we need to do. The exact
opposite is true. What I am trying to communicate is not a message of having to
do something in order to be victorious, but of deciding to cease from all our self-effort
and striving, everything we think we need to do to try and earn the
breakthrough, and a message of entering the place of rest, the place of full
surrender, full submission, fullness of joy, of complete peace and of praising
and worshipping while enduring all the way, despite our feelings and
circumstances, for when we have reached that place, I believe God will “raise us
up” at exactly the right time.
A few days ago I was again tested
and challenged by this message. I had an expectation of another kind (not
healing), and I was disappointed. But I knew better than to allow the enemy to
distract me with a disappointment. God wants us to know that the enemy will
always try to distract us from what He wants us to be in this world, and he
will always try to steal our joy and dim our light. And so God needs us to
learn how to never allow a personal disappointment to succeed in getting us to
a place of depression and ineffectiveness. So I chose to “raise a hallelujah”,
to say to God, with tears running down my face, that “that thing will not matter in eternity, so I will not allow it to
matter now. Thank You for the fullness of joy in Your presence. Fill me up with
Your peace and Your joy.” I can testify that my feelings of disappointment
ended there and I did not enter a state of depression, and the rest of that day
and thereafter was wonderful! If God sometimes sets us up for disappointments,
it is only to allow us the opportunity to learn to press into his presence, so
that we can become a focussed army that will remain full of joy and victorious
no matter what the enemy throws at us. We can come against the attacks of the
enemy in the powerful Name of Jesus, and we must seek his face always to hear
from Him if there are open doors in our lives (sin, either personal or
generational) which gives legal ground and makes it easy for the enemy to steal
from us, but when we always keep an eternal perspective, and if our peace and
joy is always eternally sourced, we will always, always be victorious, no
matter why we are attacked, whether because of sin or just because God allowed
it for his kingdom purposes in our lives. Everything the enemy throws at us
with the intention to destroy us, God will turn and work for our good, so the
only one that will be left feeling frustrated will be the enemy himself. The
presence of troubles in our lives does not mean the absence of God. Every
trouble and every trial is only an opportunity to grow victorious muscles. So
let us learn to praise and worship God especially in hard times, because, when
we access that eternally sourced joy, that joy will be our strength that we
need during these times!
In the meantime, my suggestion is to do
like Jesus: look away from yourself and find someone whom you can bless with
your words or prayer or in any other way. Sow into the area where you want to
reap a harvest. If you need healing, sow prayers of healing. If you need a
financial breakthrough, give something away to someone in need. If you want a
family, sow into family life in another way, perhaps by inviting spiritual
family over for dinner. If you want to be successful in business, or ministry,
serve in someone else’s business or ministry.
When we have surrendered, when we
have changed, when we have received and delivered the message, the breakthrough
will come!
Have you heard of people who had
illnesses or injuries that healed as they were preaching? I have heard of at
least three such instances, Heidi Baker being one of them. I believe the reason
why God does that is based on this revelation: sometimes God delivers the
message through our suffering or trial, which is when people are most receptive
of the message. I therefore don’t believe it is wrong of me to expect my
miracle on a day and in a moment while I will be sharing this message.
Please pray with me that everything
that needs to be accomplished will be accomplished in my life. I am looking forward
to my “resurrection”. For the joy set before me, I endure this “cross”.
It doesn't make sense to the rational mind to pray this, but "Thank You Lord for the privilege of getting to go through disappointments and trials, so that we can become more like Jesus, and so that the world can relate to us, and we get the opportunity to communicate your messages to them through the way we handle our trials and disappointments."
God is keeping us in the palm of his hand. Everything that happens to us in life is firstly only temporary. The way we handle them, determines if and what its eternal value will be!
It doesn't make sense to the rational mind to pray this, but "Thank You Lord for the privilege of getting to go through disappointments and trials, so that we can become more like Jesus, and so that the world can relate to us, and we get the opportunity to communicate your messages to them through the way we handle our trials and disappointments."
God is keeping us in the palm of his hand. Everything that happens to us in life is firstly only temporary. The way we handle them, determines if and what its eternal value will be!